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Anillos de compromiso con talla Asscher

Los anillos de compromiso Asscher Cut son una opción hermosa y atemporal. Elaborados con estilo y elegancia, estos anillos de diamantes brillarán y brillarán toda la vida.

Anillos de compromiso con talla Asscher (35)


Developed more than 100 years ago in Holland by Joseph Asscher, asscher-cut engagement rings are the multifaceted beautiful blend of round and emerald shapes. Departing from the traditional curved shapes often associated with engagement rings, asscher-cut diamonds feature a square shape with delicately cut diamond corners. These clipped edges create ascending step cuts, designing a staircase of stunning sparkle. This unique shape is sure to turn heads and stand out amongst the crowd. Learn more about asscher cut diamonds here.

The Versatility of Asscher CUT Diamonds in Jewelry Design

Asscher cut diamonds are prized for their remarkable versatility, making them a perfect choice for a wide range of jewelry settings. The square shape of these diamonds seamlessly integrates into various settings, whether you prefer the simplicity of a solitaire or the opulence of a halo setting – the possibilities are boundless with this adaptable gemstone. When selecting an asscher-cut diamond, consider factors like cut, color, and clarity, as they significantly influence the stone's overall appearance. A well-cut asscher diamond will leave a lasting impression on all who admire it.


In 1902, Mr. Joseph Asscher, of the renowned Asscher Diamond Company in Amsterdam, introduced this unique cut, aimed at accentuating the gem's inherent depth and transparency. Asscher diamonds are characterized by their square or technically octagonal shape, essentially a square with four trimmed corners. Upon initial inspection, it seems to take on an almost octagonal appearance, displaying a remarkable level of brightness, brilliance, and crystal-clear clarity.

Due to the asscher's deeper cut, a portion of its carat weight remains hidden from sight, making it appear smaller on the finger, so consider choosing a higher carat weight or pairing with a larger wedding band.

The key differences between these two cuts are in their shape and facets.

  • Shape: The Asscher cut features a square shape with trimmed corners, giving it an almost octagonal appearance. It is known for its step-cut facets and a pronounced depth that enhances the diamond's clarity, compared to a cushion that has a more rounded square or rectangular shape with softened corners, resembling a pillow.
  • Typically, Asscher cut diamonds have 58 facets, which are arranged in a step-cut fashion. These facets create a hall-of-mirrors effect, emphasizing clarity but with less brilliance. Cushion cut diamonds can have varying numbers of facets, usually between 58 and 64. The combination of step-cut and brilliant-cut facets enhances both brilliance and sparkle.

“My husband and I recently updated our engagement ring with GOODSTONE and I could not recommend them enough!


Thin + Simple Solitaire With 3.08ct Oval Cut by Good Stone in Yellow Gold

Solitario Delgado + Simple Con Corte Ovalado



We elevate your jewelry journey with our personal concierge service. From understanding your unique preferences to guiding you through our exquisite collections.


Custom diamond engagement rings made exactly to your preference. From chic minimalist rings to statement pieces, your dream diamond ring awaits.


Stackable rings & diamond wedding bands to perfectly compliment your engagement ring.
