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Welcome to GOODSTONE's Diamond Buying GUIDE, where elegance meets expertise. Our GUIDE provides essential insights into the art of selecting the perfect diamond, combining sophistication with professional knowledge. We're dedicated to helping you find a diamond that captivates and resonates, ensuring a memorable and refined experience. Trust in our expertise to GUIDE you towards a choice that embodies timeless beauty and sophistication. Let's begin this exquisite journey to discover your ideal diamond.

an intro to

Diamond grading

Diamond Certification

Our expert gemologists use advanced equipment to meticulously weigh and measure each diamond, thoroughly assessing its cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. We ensure every diamond in our collection is independently verified for authenticity and quality. Each diamond is accompanied by a certificate, also known as a grading report, which is an authoritative assessment from an independent gemological laboratory. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our diamonds being certified by the world's foremost gem grading authorities, including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the International Gemological Institute (IGI), Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), and the Gem Certification & Assurance Lab (GCAL).

What determine's a diamond's quality?

At GOODSTONE, we see every diamond as a masterpiece of nature, each with its own story and character. Like artists, our expert cutters work to unveil the hidden splendor within each stone, accentuating its unique charm. Think of the 4 Cs as the palette – cut, color, clarity, and carat – which paint the portrait of the diamond's quality. While these elements are our guide, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; many of our clients choose to highlight one quality over others, creating a piece that's not just a jewel but a personal treasure.

How are diamond grades and ratings decided?

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) stands at the forefront of gem evaluation and grading, renowned for its impartial and authoritative approach. As the benchmark setter in the diamond industry, GIA has established a comprehensive scale encompassing cut, color, clarity, and carat. This scale is universally adopted by jewelers and appraisers as the definitive guide for assessing diamond quality.

The 4 C's of Diamonds

1. Cut

The quality of a diamond's cut determines its brilliance and sparkle. It's all about how well the diamond has been shaped and faceted, affecting how light is reflected and dispersed. The cut is crucial in defining the diamond's overall visual appeal.

Read Diamond Cut Guide

2. Color

A diamond's color grading actually refers to its lack of color, with the grading scale ranging from colorless to light color. The less color a diamond has, the more valuable it is considered due to its rarity.

Read Diamond Color Guide

3. Clarity

Clarity in diamonds is about the absence of internal imperfections, known as inclusions, and external flaws, called blemishes. Diamonds with minimal or no inclusions and blemishes are rated higher in clarity and are more valued.

Read Diamond Clarity Guide

4. Carat

Carat weight measures a diamond's size, with one carat equating to 200 milligrams. The carat weight is a significant factor in a diamond's value, influencing how large it appears.

Read Diamond Carat Guide

What is diamond shape?

Diamond shape describes the silhouette the diamond presents when looked at from the table side. Common shapes include Round diamonds & Oval cuts, but shapes can range dramatically depending on the desired aesthetic.

Shop Diamonds by Shape

What are Natural Diamonds

In the hidden depths of our Earth, over billions of years, a remarkable transformation took place. Tiny carbon atoms, under immense pressure and heat, fused into a unique cubic crystalline form. This intricate bonding, known as a tetrahedral structure, is what makes diamonds extraordinarily hard and supremely conductive, surpassing all other natural materials in these qualities. These diamonds then embarked on a journey upwards, propelled by the intense forces of volcanic eruptions. As the molten rock made its way to the surface, it brought these precious gems closer to our world, where they rest until discovered, each one a timeless testament to nature's incredible artistry.

Are Lab Grown diamonds different than Natural diamonds?

The essence of the distinction between natural and lab-grown diamonds at GOODSTONE lies in their origin and pricing. To the unaided eye, both types of diamonds appear identical, each sparkling with equal brilliance and sophistication. However, lab-grown diamonds typically offer a more accessible price point due to their less rare nature. This affordability means that couples can explore larger, more impressive lab-grown diamonds that might have been beyond their reach if they were natural.

Natural diamonds are born from a miraculous process deep within the Earth's mantle, where carbon atoms are subjected to intense pressure and heat, coalescing into these treasured gems over millions of years. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are the product of human ingenuity, where specialized equipment and expert supervision replicate the Earth’s natural conditions. Despite their different beginnings, both natural and lab-grown diamonds share the same atomic composition and structure, with carbon atoms arranged in the resilient, luminous tetrahedral pattern that gives diamonds their unparalleled strength and beauty.

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A good diamond rating is subjective to the wearer or purchaser of the diamond. Some require perfect diamond grades like D-color or flawless clarity, while some are more comfortable with the savings acquired by opting for H or I-color and SI1 clarity. Talk to a GOODSTONE diamond specialist to discuss what grade is right for you.

Diamonds, those captivating gems of nature, are meticulously evaluated based on four key aspects: cut, clarity, carat, and color. The cut, which determines a diamond's brilliance and fire, is assessed on a detailed six-tier scale, ranging from the superior 'Ideal' to the less desirable 'Poor'. Clarity, revealing the purity and rarity of a diamond, is measured on a ten-point scale, where a diamond can range from being completely 'Flawless' to having noticeable 'Inclusions 2'. The color of a diamond is graded using the GIA's precise D-to-Z system, which gauges the stone's colorlessness or its hue. Carat weight, often mistaken for size, is actually a measure of a diamond's weight and density, giving an indication of the gem's overall mass and size. Each of these factors plays a vital role in defining the beauty and value of a diamond, making them essential considerations in your diamond selection journey.

The 4 Cs of diamonds are Carat, Cut, Clarity, and Color. These are the 4 main ways we describe a diamond's beauty and physical characteristics.

A diamond certification, often referred to as a diamond report, is an essential document issued by an independent gemological laboratory. This certification provides an unbiased and professional analysis of a diamond's distinct attributes. It's a comprehensive assessment that delves into the gem's individual qualities, offering a clear, objective viewpoint on aspects such as cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. This report is invaluable in ensuring the authenticity and quality of the diamond, serving as a testament to its unique characteristics and intrinsic value.

Yes. A diamond certificate proves the diamond was assessed by a professional gemologist and graded objectively.

Yes. All of GOODSTONE's diamonds are graded & come with their respective grading reports.